I wasn’t busy last November, so I got to work on challenging gender norms
Well, that’s the third book in the bag.
First, it was Stockings Required in 2013.
Last year it was Guarding Gus, which is still getting discovered, much to my joy.
And last week I released the second of The Gus Chronicles trilogy, a book with a cheeky name and a big heart. What to Suspect When You’re Suspecting.
Why did I name it that?
Well, in Guarding Gus, Nico and Brant are unsure of what to do with a lost magical creature and how to care for it. They know a human supply store is not the right place, but where would you get gargoyle supplies late in the day on a Sunday? So they end up at a Babies ‘R Us and stock up on formula, clothes, diapers, and get advice from other shoppers while there. Gus speaks for the first time. It’s a whole sweet moment, y’all.
In passing and as a joke, I have the characters see the infamous baby book and have renamed it to the cheeky sentence above. I thought it was so apt. Parents love to talk about how their kids delight and infuriate them. As a childless person, I always thought the tactic should be one borne of wariness.
Cut to me typing “The End” of Guarding Gus. These characters made it clear they had much, much more to say. A trilogy was in order. I should’ve suspected as much.
When I finished What to Suspect, I felt relieved that it was over. I felt guilty about that, but the truth is, standing squarely in the topic of gender rights is hard work. We notch up the examination into why we, as a society, pass judgment and laws about others without consulting them in the slightest. Without spoiling too much, Gustopher acts as a witness to human history and how we’ve either expanded or limited our mindset around the gender binary due to the most dominant political and religious forces at the time.
The truth is, we are still figuring it out. And Gus knows that, but has a choice as to whether or not xer participates.
Book 3 is going to take us to the international stage. We are going to come to a distinct conclusion, and we are going to realize something important about the sovereignty of beings we don’t understand or can communicate with, in relation to their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In the meantime, I’m still running the Cozy the Day Away sale, a group flash sale that takes place for 24 hours only for all things cozy fantasy. If you are interested in learning more, check out our subdomain at https://cozyfantasysale.promisepress.org/ The next sale is October 14th.
Love and Pie!